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Same Day Care Unit

Dr. Helen Wells Same Day Care Unit
Mon-Fri 5:30AM-7PM
Call 828-835-7575 to confirm arrival time by 4PM prior to surgery

Modern surgery allows us to perform procedures safely and effectively without the need for an overnight hospital stay

The Dr. Helen Wells Same Day Care Unit caters to patients of general surgery, endoscopy, infusions, and cancer care.

Wake the day of your surgery and recover comfortably at home by the evening with the Same Day Care Unit. From your pre-interview to the surgery and finally aftercare, we encompass all you’ll need for general operations, injection therapies and more. 

Be pre-op savvy. You are typically advised to not eat, drink, nor use any tobacco products after midnight on the night before surgery. Your care provider will supply you with your specific preparation and home-going instructions prior to surgery.

Registration. If you arrive at the hospital before main patient registration opens at 6:30 a.m., proceed directly to the Same Day Care Unit.

It’s the day of your surgery, and you’re anticipating what to expect.

While we wish to see you as quickly as possible, be aware pre-op takes approximately 30 minutes to complete. Our average surgical wait time is between an hour and two hours, which is below the three hour national average. Your time of arrival may also be altered due to schedule changes. Delays may occur.

Help us streamline your visit. Come prepared with a list of the medications you’re taking, including dosage and frequency. During your pre-op interview, inform the team of any allergies you may have and previous history of surgeries.

Stick to the basics. We recommend loose fitting and casual clothing to wear after surgery. Leave jewelry, makeup, nail polish, and other accessories at home in order to optimize safety and comfort.

Bring a friend. An escort is necessary to assist patients who have been given anesthesia medications. You must bring a driver to drive you home.