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Intensive Care


Our team typically cares for patients with respiratory and cardiac problems and those who suffer from serious injury or infection. A patient may also be admitted here following a major surgery.

There are several types of equipment being used within our unit: ventilators used to assist with breathing, emergency resuscitation devices, vital sign monitors and other life-support systems. Our friendly staff will gladly describe to you the purpose and function of these machines to patients and loved ones.

Collaborative Care Keeps You in the Know

We recommend loved ones select one family member whose role is to convey questions and concerns to care providers in order to keep an organized and open line of communication.We have adopted the Care Partners model, a program that promotes communication between the healthcare team and the patient/family.

What is a Care Partner?

A care partner is someone chosen by the patient to help during and after their hospital stay. The care partner is also the contact person to help the healthcare team better understand the patient’s needs and preferences. They may participate in the patient’s medical care. The care partner should be prepared to be involved in the patient’s care for the entire hospital stay. The identified care partner will be informed of the patient’s health progress and should be prepared to participate in rounds and discussions with the medical team and other staff. Finally, it is the designated Care Partner that will inform other members of the patient’s family and friends of the patient’s condition and progress.

ICU at a glance: